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Night Sky with Stars

Did you know that there is an infinitely abundant  and creative force inside of you?

And you can reconnect with it.

Right now.

Tap into your Inner Artist and be

 the musician, the writer, the painter, the designer, the gardener, the sculptor you truly  are...

Here I am...
Your Inner Artist

Live Workshops
in Tribalj, Croatia


A 7-Day-Retreat in Croatia to reconnect with your Inner Artist

6 Reasons your creativity does not flow and 6 days of solving it:

  • New creative experiences  from various artistic fields wait for you. 

  • The retreat includes a personal coaching for your artistic project and the question how to bring it into the world.

  • It's a week with stress-free focus on your art work, alone and in the group, all in Meditrranean atmosphere, within the comfort of a hotel and amazing vegetarian food.

  • Creative exchange, creative input and inspiring moments in the phenomenal Karst landscape will turn your stay into a powerful and coherent experience.

1. Day/ Saturday: Arrival

2.Day/ Sunday: Fear of failure is the most common creative block. This fear can prevent you from starting a project or completing it.

Learn techniques to overcome this great block.

3. Day/ Monday:  Lack of Motivation: When you don’t feel motivated, it can be difficult to find the energy to start or continue a creative project.

Find out what really, really motivates you and integrate it in your passion project.

4. Day/Tuesday: Perfectionism is the fear of making mistakes. This can lead to procrastination as you strive for perfection. Learn to strive by using mistakes as a positive tool to evolve your creative project instead of stopping it.

5. Day/ Wednesday: Overwhelm: Feeling overwhelmed can lead to creative blocks as you try to figure out where to start or how to proceed. Learn how to  break the project down into small goals and steps and focus on them to reach  BIG goals.


6. Day/Thursday: Comparison: Comparing yourself to others can lead to feelings of inadequacy that can prevent you from taking creative risks and trying new things. Learn to compare yourself today only and exclusively with  your yesterday's you to really see how much growth you have made.

7. Day/Friday:  Self-Doubt: Self-doubt can lead to a lack of confidence in your creative abilities and can prevent you from taking creative risks or trying new things. Learn how to build up your confidence in your Inner Artist.

Each day includes a little of theory (psychological, neurological, music theory itd.), practical and artistic exercises (writing, music, drawing, itd.), indoor and outdoor activities, and meditation.

Ma. participants: 12 p.

Star Cluster

Meet The Team

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Anne-Kathrin Godec reads, writes and translates literature all the time. But she learned that there's narration in any activity we engage in. And sometimes this narration, the story we tell ourselves, goes wrong. And leaves us in a place where we no longer trust in our own creative abilities. "It's just a story", that's what Anne-Kathrin would say, "and you can change the story any time and act differently based on the new story... and watch yourself thrive in your creative process." It's her gift to find out what prevents the successful achievement of your creative goals. And here is where her coaching comes in. A step-by-step program of assisting Your Inner Artist!

Anne-Kathrin Godec
(Foto: Simon Foster)
Writer, translator Creativity Coach

Zdenko Bašić

Visual Artist, illustrator, story teller

Zdenko Bašić Art on facebook

Zdenko Bašić is an artist, illustrator, film-maker, scenarist, writer.... there is no end to all the fields where he applies his always original and special art work. He teaches art at the Academy of Visual Arts in Zagreb, shows his work continuously in various exhibitions in Croatia and other countries. He is the author of amazing books in which he re-tells Slavic mythology and in which he  perpetuates the very specific natural environment he grew up in. He shared his work even in New York in cooperation with the well known New York Running Press house. If there is anyone who is open-minded enough, creative enough, educated enough and free-spirited enough to help you find a new perspective on your own creation, it's him!

The most amazing thing about Diana is that she has a deep understanding of how much any energetic block impacts us as wholesome beings. There is always body, mind and soul at play. Especially in the field of creativity. She will help us to open our spirits through body work (especially Poi dance), but she'll assist the process on the other levels, too. Inspire-Empower-Enlighten, that's her moto. Working with her on various levels will lay the groundwork for your creativity to flow.

And besides that, she is a very creative person herself!

Diana Kumst
(Foto: Elma Dujić)
Poi Dancer, Self Development Coach

The Stars

Hotel Village Balatura - the venue

How to find us

Hotel Village Balatura
Sušik 2
51243 Tribalj
Tel: ++38551455340

Art Work Zdenko Bašić

By car: You can use Googlemaps to find the shortest way from your home address by clicking on the "direction button" in the map above.

By airplane: The airport Rijeka is 15 min drive from Hotel Village Balatura

Find your connection here:

The airport Zagreb is about 2 hours drive from the hotel.

And there is a transfer from Zagreb airport to Rijeka. You can book it here:


The price for a single room accommodation, full board is 1300 € per person. This price consists of 700€ hotel price and 600 € workshop price. 

The price for a double room accommodation, full board for 2 persons is 1120 € (560 € per person) for the hotel stay, 7 days and a workshop price of 600 € per person.
For a double room stay with only one person attending the workshop it's: 1720 € (including accommodation and food for 2, workshop for 1 person).

In case that both guests attend the workshop, it's an overall price of 2320 €. (meaning 1160 € each)


Book Your Retreat

Thanks for registering to our Retreat.

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